Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer or Career? We’ve got them both.
Whether you decide to make a career out of volunteering, becoming a volunteer at Willingboro Fire and EMS can prepare you to make a difference in the community. We’re looking for dedicated and ambitious individuals to fill positions in the many areas in our department:
Volunteer Firefighter- Becoming a volunteer firefighter will teach you practical skills including driving emergency vehicles, performing search and rescue operations, and administering basic first-aid skills. Leadership, critical thinking, and adaptability are just a few of the added benefits of becoming a firefighter. Put in the time and dedication, and the opportunities are endless!
Fire Police- In cases of emergencies, Fire Police assist with traffic control and working with crowds and other first responders. Integral to making an emergency response efficient and maintaining safety protocols, Fire Police ensure the job gets done.
Junior Firefighter- For those ages 16 and 17 who are looking to lend a helping hand in their community, our junior firefighter program introduces basic skills in fire and rescue training by participation in our training sessions. We train today’s volunteers to be tomorrow’s leaders.

It is very active station with a lot of calls and fires. It is a great place to get experience with a fun and supportive group of firefighters.